Youth Scouts: All About MetaSoccer Scouting

Youth scouts can be perceived as the entry point into the soccer metaverse as these are the NFTs that allow participants to start building a team. The main role of a youth scout is to do scoutings — finding new players to join your team.

Each youth scout has a distinct set of characteristics that makes them unique.
Four main categories of features define a youth scout, with some subdivisions:


The personal characteristics of a scout, namely:


The expertise of a youth scout has a great influence on the type of players discovered, as each scout specializes in a particular position or role.
Expertise encompasses three features:

Scout Special Abilities

Youth scouts can have their own special abilities — though this is not a characteristic that all of them possess. The special abilities improve their actions in many different ways:


Each youth scout has a certain degree of knowledge in these areas: Defending, Attacking, Goalkeeping, Physical and Mental.
Their knowledge skills of each have a value between 1-99 and is intrinsically related to their role. This means that, for example, a youth scout whose role is defender will have higher defending knowledge than attacking, for example.

Inside the general category of knowledge are two subcategories: